Naturally Living

Here you will find a list of products that we here at EK Lifestyle recommend for your home, body and enviroment. If you want to become more 'GREEN' or just want to supplement your nutrients we have it. If you are looking for a beautiful gift to give or are wanting to energetically balance your body or home, we have something for you. Please view the lists and products below and check back frequesntly as we gain further support with our affiates.

Enjoy Living Naturally!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

GO GREEN! Household Cleaning and Laundry

Worried about the enviroment? Think that the GREEN cause is something of importance? These wonderful items will help you become a better world caretaker and save money! (Many cleaners can also be found under Bath& Body)

Save Money on Cleaning Products And Help Purify the Water of Our World
Laundry and Bath Appliance
Laundry and Bath Appliance

Help to restore the quality of water on our planet
Improves the appearance of your laundry
Energizes water to help rejuvenate you and your clothes
Safe to use in a hot tub instead of Chlorine treatment
Save money on the laundry detergent you won't need to buy

Cleanse our world of pollutants and save money on detergents. This Laundry Appliance creates Energized Water to clean, and it is an easy way to help clean up the waters of our world.
Anyone using these products can help to restore the quality of water on our planet.

The Laundry Appliance contains a fast acting grade of Twilight America's Precious Prills: resulting water may taste metallic. The clothes drying process allows the covering agents from commercial detergents to fall off, improving the appearance of your laundry.

Directions for Use:Keep in nylon stocking to protect the casing. Let dry between uses.

Washing Machine:Place in your washing machine with each load of laundry. Pre-treat stains as you normally would. If you still wish to use some detergent, try only about 10%, as you may have overflowing suds.

Bath Tub:Use in your bath to create moisturizing, healing Energized Water, to facilitate your absorption of any added minerals. Try Twilight America's Bath Crystals or Jevatee Naturals Himalayan Crystal Salt.

Hot Tub:In your hot tub, instead of chlorine, use 1 to 3 Laundry Appliances, depending on the size of you tub. Add a small amount of hydrogen peroxide for odor control.

$50.00 (save when you buy 2+)

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