Naturally Living

Here you will find a list of products that we here at EK Lifestyle recommend for your home, body and enviroment. If you want to become more 'GREEN' or just want to supplement your nutrients we have it. If you are looking for a beautiful gift to give or are wanting to energetically balance your body or home, we have something for you. Please view the lists and products below and check back frequesntly as we gain further support with our affiates.

Enjoy Living Naturally!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Electromagnetic Pollution Protection

ADR ProtectADR Systems - ADR Protect
Reduces adverse effects of electromagnetic pollution on human body
Equalizes disordered energy levels in acupuncture channels
Compensates for harmful electromagnetic pollutants

Energy Stimulator, Electrosmog Protection Device
This revolutionary device reduces the adverse effects of electromagnetic pollution on the human body. It can equalize the environmentally disordered energy levels inyour acupuncture channels (meridians).
With balance restored, your protective mechanisms are able to compensate for nearby harmful electromagnetic pollutants.
About 1" in diameter, with an adhesive backing to place it on various electric and electronic devices (e.g., cordless or cell phones, computers, computer mouse, microwave ovens, etc.). Inside is flexible magnetic foil with precisely located, mathematically defined points, covered with a gelatin paste. This paste is a composite of ceramic substances and metal oxides, showing specific infrared radiation absorption/emission properties.
Highly recommended for users of cellular & mobile phones, computers, microwaves, and any electronic or electric appliances.


ADR-3Neutralize & Harmonize Energy Forces and Geopathic Radiation
Try it beside your computer to neutralize the emitted radiation
Extend the plant's life by up to 50% when placed under cut flowers
Place it in your fridge to neutralize traces of negative influences, and energize your food
Create a positive living environment for you and your family
Neutralize & Harmonize Energy Forces and Geopathic Radiation
The ADR-3 influences its surroundings, neutralizing and harmonizing energy forces. This leaves you with your energy flow returned and renewed.

We are all exposed to negative energies from the earth (radiation of underground water, storm or sewage pipes, caves or mineral bodies), and human generated sources (electromagnetic fields in computers, appliances, cell phones, power lines, etc.). These negative energies sap your strength. This energy device consists of a magnetic disc embedded in a ceramic casing, about 3" in diameter. Inside, the main element creates resonance effects that changes its surroundings. The resulting harmony improves the functioning of living organisms.

Place the disk flat, with design face up, near residential electrical panel to distribute positive energy along the electrical pathways. Near basement floor drains to neutralizes any negative energies from underground sources. Beside your computer to neutralize the emitted radiation. Under a vase of cut flowers or potted plant can extend their life by up to 50%, and give extra energy for healthier, stronger growth. In the fridge to neutralize traces of negative influences, and energize your food.

In normal conditions with low levels of radiation, one ADR-3 provides sufficient influence for about 1100 square feet.

To neutralize a large area (residential property) with a high intensity of negative energies, several ADR-3's are necessary. They should be buried around the house or property. You can feel your way through the installation, or an experienced dowser will help determine the level of radiation, and recommend the number of ADR-3's needed, as well as their best possible location. To find a dowser, the American Society of Dowsers or Canadian Dowsers can help you find one in your area.


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